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What People are Saying about Songs & Stories

" We were thrilled with the success of the "Songs & Stories" event we hosted at our cafe and event venue. It was an evening of intimate and interactive original music which brought the music closer to both audience and artists alike. "  

John Carswell

Brentwood Bay Village Empourium
Brentwood Bay, BC

(778) 351-0178

" Songs and Stories is an intimate event that captures the essence and spirit of what the songwriting process is all about.   The musicians provide an insight into how songs are written and give the audience in attendance an experience seldom witnessed outside of their minds and notebooks.  Each musician's personality is infused into the performance of their original songs while the other's add in harmonies and instrumentation that makes for an especially heartwarming gift.  The creativity, and feeling of community I witnessed at Songs & Stories was awesome.

Nick Gilchrist

Sound Engineer  Sonick Studios
Brentwood Bay, BC

Songs and Stories is a wonderful concept, that takes the intimate house concert "feel" to the next level.   You don't just get to watch, you get to be part of the process! 

The artists in the round freely share their stories, their songs and the chemistry between them with bouts of humour and wit as they take turns presenting their art. Whether they have played together for 20 years or 20 mins the instant connection between them is easy to see as they play off of each other and offer support to each other in their music.

It's a great experience! I loved it!

Meg Keene

Ground Zero Acoustic Lounge

Parksville, BC

We started our 2019/2020 coffee house season with Songs and Stories and so happy we did.  

I have been organizing the music and coffee houses events for over 20 year now at Highlands and in that time, this music performance was one of the best I have seen and heard.  The musicians share the stories behind their songs and do so in such a relaxed manner the audience feels like they are part of it.   Everyone loved the evening and we will be bringing them back next year.

Zhinoos Armstrong

Highlands Coffee House

Victoria, BC

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